Reading through the Curriculum
Children read widely across the curriculum and are developing the ability to use reading for the acquisition of new content in a given discipline.
In English lessons, high quality texts will be used as a stimulus for writing, allowing children to engage with both fiction and non-fiction, to broaden their understanding of writing for an audience and with purpose.
Across foundation subjects, extracts from high quality information texts are used to hook children in to learning, to broaden their understanding of the topic being studied and help them to acquire the disciplinary knowledge they need to grasp in order to be successful in their studies.
Teaching of vocabulary is prioritised. Tier 2 vocabulary is taught discretely, linked to the genre of writing being taught in English lessons. Use is made of the Mrs Wordsmith scheme to support children’s vocabulary acquisition.
Tier 3 vocabulary is taught discretely in lessons across the curriculum and is reinforced through the use of regular low-stakes quizzing as well as through knowledge organisers.