School Info
Our Vision and Values
The school’s values help pupils know the difference between right and wrong.
Our school motto is "Striving to be better every day" and at Gretton Primary we do our utmost to ensure that every child gets exactly what they need to be successful. Our 4 school values are embedded into way of life at Gretton and form the backbone of how we operate as a school community.
Our behaviour code of conduct, our "Gretton Goals" are six easy to follow principles that make sure that every member of the school community is making a contribution.
Our Aims and Ambitions
- To build children’s self-belief and self-esteem so that they can hold their heads up high
- To put the children at the centre of everything we do
- To encourage children to lead a healthy and active lifestyle
- To push towards high academic achievement and ensure that children reach their full potential
- To celebrate success so that children are proud of their achievements
- To notice, value and cherish all our pupils
- To foster trusting and collaborative relationships with parents and the community
- To provide a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment
- To develop independent learners and lively enquiring minds
- To value ourselves and others around us
- To inspire a love of learning
- To provide a creative curriculum which motivates, challenges and inspires a love of learning in the pupils