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Gretton Primary School

Pupil Premium

The pupil premium fund is an allocation of money given to schools/academies each year by the Government to reduce inequalities and improve the attainment of the following children;

  • Children in EYFS to Year 6 who are, or have ever been, entitled to free school meals based on their family income.
  • Children in care (LAC)
  • Children previously in care who have been adopted, or who have a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order.
  • Children recorded as being from service families.

Every academy and school can select how they choose to use their Pupil Premium allocation, as they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for students. Every school needs to be held accountable for how this money is spent, which is why we make details of how it is used available on our website.

Statutory Infomation

School leaders thoroughly check the impact of Pupil premium spending  Current pupils supported by this funding are making good progress in mathematics, reading and writing.  

Ofsted report February 2016

Our rationale for supporting pupils entitled to Pupil Premium Funding

Pupils entitled to Pupil Premium funding at Gretton Primary Academy all have access to quality first teaching by our strong and stable staff. All teaching is good or better with much of it being judged as outstanding over time. 

Pupil Premium pupils will have short, sharply focussed interventions to meet their individual needs; they will then be straight back into class to access the high quality teaching. Our skilled teaching assistants support pupils by pre-teaching lessons to give them a head start, delivering interventions to close any gaps in learning or to accelerate progress so that pupils are stretched to reach a greater depth of understanding.

All Pupil Premium pupils have time with a reading specialist teacher every week. This bespoke session is based around reading material which sparks the interest of the individual child. It enhances the comprehension skills of our able readers and supports the acquisition of early reading skills for our younger children.

As well as supporting the academic progress of all our pupil premium children we also ensure they have full entitlement to enrichment activities, offered in and out of school time.

Who can I speak to about Pupil Premium funding?

Mrs Young is responsible for managing Pupil Premium Funding. Your child’s class teacher will be able to explain how we are using the funding to support individual children and the office staff can offer advice on how to apply for this funding if you think you may be entitled to it.

Core Values

  • Kindness

    We are kind

  • Good Choices

    We make good choices

  • Best

    We try our best

  • Dream Big

    We dream big