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Gretton Primary School

Phonics and Early Reading

We follow the Read, Write Inc Phonics scheme, which is a systematic synthetic phonics programme. Children start learning Set 1 Speed Sounds on their very first day of school. During their first few weeks in Reception, children have a daily, whole class speed sounds lesson where they learn to read a new sound, practice previously taught sounds and have opportunities to write the sounds.

These are the first set of sounds the children learn:










Once your child is confident blending sounds, their daily phonics lessons will be in small groups and they will start to read Storytime Phonics books.

Every day, your child will have a speed sound session to learn to read new sounds, practice reading the sounds they know and practice writing the sounds they know.

Once they are secure in enough sounds they will start to read decodable books. Within these books they will apply previously taught sounds to read phonetically decodable words (‘green words.’) They will also learn to read 'red words' which are tricky words that are not phonetically decodable.

Daily phonic lessons start from day one in Reception and continue to the end of year 2 for all children. The children are assessed every 6 weeks and grouped according to their sound knowledge and reading fluency.



Core Values

  • Kindness

    We are kind

  • Good Choices

    We make good choices

  • Best

    We try our best

  • Dream Big

    We dream big