School Council
Our School Council represents the views of all of our children. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.
At the beginning of each school year, each year group votes for two children in their class to represent them at the School Council meetings. The School Council helps to provide a voice for all pupils and meets weekly to discuss how we can improve our school and how we can make a positive contribution to society. Their work includes:
- Deciding which charities, local, national and global, we would like to fundraise for or support.
- Working collaboratively with local organisations in the village, such as the Parish Council and the Recreation Ground Committee.
- Providing feedback to key members of staff on what children would like to see happening at break times and lunchtimes.
- Providing feedback to the school's site team on health and safety issues
Below are some examples of their work.
November 2024
We worked with the Gretton Baptist Chapel to fill shoeboxes to support the Link to Hope Shoebox appeal, providing gifts to families in war-torn parts of Eastern Europe.
We filled over 20 shoeboxes which were collected by Karen and Denise and taken to Romania. Below are the School Council presenting the boxes.
June 2024
School Council were asked by the Parish Council to come up with ideas as to how we can encourage safer driving through Gretton. School Council chose to hold a demonstration outside school reminding road users to drive slowly past. They were joined by our local Neighbourhood Policing Officer, George Smith.