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Gretton Primary School

Online Safety

Staying safe online is really important for us at Gretton Primary. We regularly teach our children how to be safe online during our computing lessons and in whole school assemblies.

Keeping children and young people safe online can be a real challenge at times, technology moves at such a fast pace and is now a growing safeguarding concern. The good news is there's lots of support out there to keep young people safe online. Thank you to Northamptonshire County Council who have sent through lots of resources and advice to support your child/children 

Advice for Parents

  • Talk to your child about the websites, games and apps that they use. By understanding and involving yourself in their Internet use, you are helping them keep safe.

  • Be positive about the Internet and remember that it is a fantastic learning and communication tool.

  • Try not to overreact to minor issues. Children often worry that you may take away their Internet access, they may become secretive and hide problems from you.

  • Keep PCs, laptops and games consoles out of bedrooms wherever possible. Having the laptop in a family room makes it easier for you to monitor your child’s Internet use, whilst still giving them privacy.

  • Set clear and consistent ground rules and expectations for your child’s online behaviour. If they understand what is and is not acceptable, it may help them with any problems in the future.

Online safety family agreement:

A family agreement is a great way to start a conversation with your whole family about how you all use the Internet and discuss together how to behave in a positive way when online at home, at school or at a friend’s house. If young people are at the heart of setting the rules they are more likely to buy into them. Why not create one together by clicking on the document below. 

Who can I talk to?

It's really important to tell an adult that you trust (such as a parent or teacher) if you feel you can.

  • Childline - free and confidential advice from counsellors 
  • Childline - online mobile safety advice
  • Rise above - online stress advice and support
  • CEOP - a national body can offer help and advice and case studies for young people
  • Service Six - based in Northamptonshire, they offer free counselling, support and help for young people
  • The Lowdown - offer free advice and counselling about bullying and e-safety to young people across Northamptonshire

Where can I find out more?

  • Northants Police - find out about your local police officers and how to contact them, plus advice on keeping safe
  • UK Safer Internet Centre - resources for young people
  • Thinkuknow - is an award-winning on and offline safety programme for children and young people
  • Fearless - the only charitable organisation in the UK that enables young people to report crime with 100% anonymity.



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Core Values

  • Kindness

    We are kind

  • Good Choices

    We make good choices

  • Best

    We try our best

  • Dream Big

    We dream big