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Gretton Primary School

Learning Mentor


The academy has a dedicated Learning Mentor - Mrs Hannah Moore who is available to talk to children about their social and emotional needs, along with a dedicated room to spend time in and talk.


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What is a Learning Mentor?

A Learning Mentor is a member of staff who works with students to provide a range of additional learning opportunities and is here to assist with your child’s academic, social and personal development.

When a child feels good about themselves it can encourage confidence. Nurture independence, raise self-esteem, improve behaviour, improve levels of attainment and improve punctuality and attendance.

A Learning Mentor is not a counsellor, but is here to help your child reach their full potential by helping to remove any barriers they have to their learning.

The aim of the Learning Mentor is to work with your child and to help them learn more effectively and improve their learning.

A Learning Mentor will liaise with teachers and other support professionals and can act as a link between family and school and will offer support to the parents/carers too.

How can this benefit your child?

Addressing barriers to learning may include developing coping strategies, enhancing motivation, raising aspirations, encouraging re-engagement in learning, taking into account a range of complex underlying issues that may impact negatively on their learning and achievement.

Core Values

  • Kindness

    We are kind

  • Good Choices

    We make good choices

  • Best

    We try our best

  • Dream Big

    We dream big